So the best
advice I can give you is learning Spanish in Spain, in Seville. The summer is
almost gone and maybe in your home country the temperatures are not so high and
you are going to ask yourself: What is the best I can do this fall escaping
from the cold? Learning Spanish in Seville! :-) Learning Spanish is something
that will benefit you for the rest of your life!

Besides Seville is a city overflowing with culture, history, atmosphere and charm, and is a wonderful location in which to learn Spanish in Spain. Seville has arguably the largest and best preserved historic centre of any city in Europe.
Spanish also will transform your travel experience, because if you only speak
English, you will be forced to confine yourself to popular tourist places where
many people speak some English. But if you want to explore the area and get to
know the local people, you need to know Spanish. Even simple things, such as
reading menus, asking directions or telling a taxi driver where you want to go
require some knowledge of the Spanish language,
because you will notice very
fast, that a lot of Spanish people do not know English very well.
One more
advantage is, if you speak Spanish, you will find yourself being welcomed in a
way that would never happen if you spoke only English.
When you travel to
Spanish speaking country, knowing the language will allow you to move from the
role of observer to that of an active part.
I can
highly recommend the Carlos V Language School in Seville. There you can learn
Spanish at its roots while it is based in one of the most enchanting cities in
the world: Seville! The school is provided with the latest technology and most
experienced teachers and Spanish classes at all levels. Besides the students
have the opportunity to take part in organized and guided leisure activity
trips to nearby cities and famous places and monuments in Seville itself. The
team of the language school will give you a hearty welcoming presence and will
be there for you.
I am sure
you will have an unforgettable time in Seville like me, no matter what you are
doing here (doing an internship, working here or just learning Spanish for
yourself as a hobby). Maybe at the end of the trip you will decide to stay
longer or to stay forever!
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