· · There is no tooth
fairy in Spain
However, a lot of
children know the legend about “Ratoncito Perez”
who exchanges kid’s teeth for gifts.
The Spanish Flag Meaning
The red and yellow colors
contained in the Spanish flag represent the colors of the original Spanish
produces over half of the world’s olive oil
More than some 1.5 million tons and almost all of it comes from the
southern region of Andalusia. It’s also the third largest wine producer after
France and Italy, making 3.3 million tonnes (metric tons) in 2013.
Christmas lottery has the world's biggest payout
Spain’s national lottery, El Gordo (‘the
fat one’), held just before Christmas has a payout of some EUR 2.24
There is a Spanish New Year
custom called Twelve Grapes

Traditionally, you have two
surnames in Spain –
the first surname from your father, and the second from
your mother.
For example, if your name is Juan Martín Lopez, and
your wife’s name is Elena González García, your kids’ surname will be Martín
However, as per a new gender equality law, this
tradition is now being changed to favor the mother’s last name.
71% of Spain’s population
identifies itself as catholic
However, if you were to ask a Spaniard what the real
religion of the country is, you’d get a unanimous answer: fútbol. Football is
more than just a game in the country; it is followed with the fervor of a
Two of the world’s biggest football clubs are Spanish
(Real Madrid and Barcelona). Spain is also the reigning world champions. In
fact, the 2010 football world cup final was watched by 15.6 million people in Spain – roughly 86% of the total audience.
Spain has the second highest number of bars per inhabitants
The only country that has more
bars than Spain is Cyprus.
- Spain is home to the world´s largest tomato fight- La Tomatina is celebrated every year a village in Valencia.

· · Seat is the only Spanish car
- When meeting someone, it
is customary to give one kiss on each cheek.
- There are a lot of holidays and vacation days
in Spain and Spaniards really respect their free time and siestas. But nowadays many
people don’t really like the siesta as much as in the past, because it takes
a lot of their free time.
- Do not be alarmed by
a dirty floor in a bar.
It is completely acceptable and normal to throw things on the ground in
bars. Most of the time a dirty floor means a good bar!